If you've been around for a bit, you may have seen a pink rubber duck floating around our Instagram feed. His name is Fred, and he is my "assistant". He joined our team after my brother told me a story rubber ducky debugging. I immediately fell in love with the concept. Since then, Fred and I hold regular staff meetings.

As helpful as Fred is, he isn't great shakes in the manufacturing and production side of the business. After receiving a bulk custom order, I realized I needed more help in the production department.
I'm now very pleased to introduce you to Humphreys!
Humphreys' background is in Production Efficiency, specifically in the Snaps department. His favorite color is red, which he wears every single day. He isn't a great conversationalist, but he is devoted to his work. His primary job is to set snaps, which he does in record time. Here is a demonstration.
Welcome to the team, Humphreys!