In the spring of 2019, I (Caty) met the most amazing lady. Her name is Amie, and we met at a networking event in Parker, CO. What struck me right away was her hair - it was hot pink! I had seen her around my first few visits, but this was the first time we actually spoke.
Her personality matched her hair - she was feisty, full of energy, and knew exactly what she wanted. She was planning on going to a concert with a friend in July - a long-time friend that had always been looking after Amie's belongings (we all need a friend like that!). Amie wanted The Wearable Wallet to keep track of her own credit card/ID/etc - and as a surprise to this friend (inside joke).
She went through the colors I had in stock, deciding on the black with black thread. "After all, it won't clash with my hair."
Not 10 minutes later, she comes dashing back to me and asks - "Can you get a pink thread?"
Light bulbs go off in my head - black with pink would look epic! And it would be perfect for her!
Thus - the Amie was born!
And yes - the real Amie had a blast at the concert.
If you have a favorite color or color combo, please leave a comment and let us know! We are always looking for new color combos. Who knows - maybe yours will be the newest Collection!